Brands You Can Trust

AccuTec Blades epitomizes the American can-do spirit. We’re not just about manufacturing; we’re about manufacturing preeminence. Our blades and bladed tools anticipate the demands of highly advanced manufacturing enterprises requiring reliable quality and high performance.

Learn more about AccuTec

Taking on the Toughest Jobs

There’s a land of opportunity out there—and America’s tradesmen, painters, builders, and manufacturers rely on American Line to make their work easier and more productive.

What’s in a Name?

Personna is in a class by itself. No other blade—whether single edge, double edge or contour—has as well-earned a reputation for high performing productivity

Singular Single Edge Blades

For over one hundred years, American manufacturers have relied on GEM single edge blades. And as manufacturing and technology advance, so too has AccuTec’s blades.

Leading Brand for Refillable Pop-Up Dispensers

Fast, efficient Gem Runner serves up single edge blades at the touch of a button. We make the blades. And we make working with them safer than ever.

Developed by a Dermatologist for Dermatologists

When there’s no room for error, there’s no better tool for shave biopsies and skin excisions than DermaBlade. Precision design ensures accuracy, and MicroCoat technology smooths the process.

Private Label

AccuTec Blades contracts with select distributor and retail partners for private label products. These longstanding relationships have provided AccuTec the opportunity to focus on blade quality and workmanship, refining and optimizing existing products and developing new blades that respond to what the market wants and needs.