Meat / Poultry

No Hide or Rind Too Tough

Personna skinner blades are known for their durability, strength, and reliability. They have to be: productivity (and yields) depend on minimal down time and high performance up time. We’ve had years to perfect our skinner blades, and it all starts with the right steel.

The raw steel must meet our stringent standards.

How do you manufacture a hard-working blade? We start with heavy duty stainless or carbon steel chosen for wear and corrosion resistance. Blades are ground with our precision edge meeting the precise processing demands of the market place. Overall quality and new product development are always in focus to impact product performance and lifetime.

Edges must work hard, resist wear, and maintain their shape.

How do we manufacture  consistently reliable blades?

  • High standards for steel material properties
  • Design and engineering innovations
  • Advanced edge grinding and honing technologies

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